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2 Leagues and Events at Elks Lodge #6 Clear Filters
  6v6 (three mini teams) - Rosters up to 12 Players

Party Pickleball - Mondays (Later Winter '25)

  • Locations: Elks Lodge #6
  • • Day: Monday • Started: 2/10
    Deadline: 1/27
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Games are indoors! There will be a League Host on site to start games and record scores.

PARTY PICKLEBALL is for beginning or super social players looking to have fun, make friends, and not worry about getting creamed by people who take it too seriously. Teams are bigger, serves rotate, and the rules are designed to get everyone in the mix and minimize the forfeits that come with a 2v2 format. If you know your player rating, or are a competitive/experienced player, this league is not for you.

★ "Indy" teams (individual/small group signups) consist of 9 players, Team fee covers up to 12 players.
★ No gender requirements

★ Teams break into three Mini-Teams of 2 to 4 players each night.
★ Mini-Teams each play 3 games per night, totaling 9 games for the team.
★ Games to 15 (win by 2, cap at 17)
★ Rally scoring: You do not need to be serving to win the point.
★ Rotating Serve: Mini-Teams with 3+ players will rotate into the game so everyone participates.
★ Mini-Teams rotate each game, so your Mini-Team will play different people each game. You'll meet more people!

📋 Registration Includes:
7️⃣ Seven games guaranteed (6 regular season +1 or more extra or playoff games)
🏆 Championship Bracket for qualifying teams
🍻 Weekly specials at your league bar
🏷️ Discounts around Sacramento via the Xoso App
🤝🏽 Chance to make lifelong friends
📱Online schedules and standings

🚨**All teams must be paid in full by the payment deadline, and rosters need to be finalized by the registration deadline as well. Team fee covers up to 12 players.

ℹ️ Highlighted Info:
Team Payment/Refund Policy
Individual Payment/Refund Policy

2.10, 2.17, 2.24, 3.3, 3.10, 3.17, 3.24, 3.31, 4.7

6:30 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:00 PM

  6v6 (three mini teams) - Rosters up to 12 Players

Party Pickleball - Mondays (Spring '25)

  • Locations: Elks Lodge #6
  • • Day: Monday • Starts: Monday, April 14
    Deadline: Monday, March 31
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More Info

Games are indoors! There will be a League Host on site to start games and record scores.

PARTY PICKLEBALL is for beginning or super social players looking to have fun, make friends, and not worry about getting creamed by people who take it too seriously. Teams are bigger, serves rotate, and the rules are designed to get everyone in the mix and minimize the forfeits that come with a 2v2 format. If you know your player rating, or are a competitive/experienced player, this league is not for you.

★ "Indy" teams (individual/small group signups) consist of 9 players, Team fee covers up to 12 players.
★ No gender requirements

★ Teams break into three Mini-Teams of 2 to 4 players each night.
★ Mini-Teams each play 3 games per night, totaling 9 games for the team.
★ Games to 15 (win by 2, cap at 17)
★ Rally scoring: You do not need to be serving to win the point.
★ Rotating Serve: Mini-Teams with 3+ players will rotate into the game so everyone participates.
★ Mini-Teams rotate each game, so your Mini-Team will play different people each game. You'll meet more people!

📋 Registration Includes:
7️⃣ Seven games guaranteed (6 regular season +1 or more extra or playoff games)
🏆 Championship Bracket for qualifying teams
🍻 Weekly specials at your league bar
🏷️ Discounts around Sacramento via the Xoso App
🤝🏽 Chance to make lifelong friends
📱Online schedules and standings

🚨**All teams must be paid in full by the payment deadline, and rosters need to be finalized by the registration deadline as well. Team fee covers up to 12 players.

ℹ️ Highlighted Info:
Team Payment/Refund Policy
Individual Payment/Refund Policy

4.14, 4.21, 4.28, 5.5, 5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9

6:30 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:15 PM, 7:45 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM