Softball Standings

*ROCKLIN* Softball - Sundays (Spring '24)


Benchwarmers photo First Place Trophy

*ROCKLIN* Softball - Sundays (Spring '24)


Congratulations to the "Benchwarmers" for becoming the Rocklin Sunday Softball Champions!

“Benchwarmers” are the Rocklin Sunday Softball Champions of the Spring ‘24 season, after defeating “Pitch Please” 9-3!

“Benchwarmers” entered the playoffs as the heavy favorite to win the championship. They were the #1 seed and it looked like no one would be able to stop them but “Pitch Please” was not going down without a fight. “Benchwarmers” lost to “Pitch Please” in their previous matchup during the regular season so they were ready to exact their revenge. The game started out with the “Benchwarmers” scoring a couple runs in the first two innings and not allowing “Pitch Please” to get anything going offensively. The “Benchwarmers” have been impressive on the defensive end all season long but it was their offense that gave them an edge in the championship. The “Benchwarmers” offense caught fire in the 4th and the 5th inning scoring multiple runs to give them a 9-3 lead going into the last inning. It looked like all hope was lost for “Pitch Please” but they were able to get a couple runners on in the last inning and apply pressure to “Benchwarmers” defense. However, the “Benchwarmers” were able to hold them off and won the championship 9-3!

Congratulations to “Benchwarmers” on becoming the Rocklin Sunday Softball Champions of the Spring ‘24 season!

View Benchwarmers Team Page
Pitch Please photo
Second Place Trophy

*ROCKLIN* Softball - Sundays (Spring '24)
Second Place

Pitch Please

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Benchwarmers 9 (1)º 1 (1)º 0 17 56
2   Squirtle Squad 6 3 (1)º 0 11 20
3   Pitch Please 6 (2)º 4 (1)º 0 11 1
4   Master Batters 4 (1)º 5 0 8 3
5   Scared Hitless 2 6 0 4 -25
6   Calm Your Mitts 0 8 (1)º 0 -1 -55
How are Standings Calculated?
Winners receive 2 points, each team in a tie receives 1 point, and losers receive 0 points. If you forfeit, you lose a point, so don't forfeit! Plus, two forfeits make your team ineligible for playoffs.

Teams are ranked by (1) Ranking Points, (2) Head to Head Two Teams Only*, (3) Point Differential, (4) Coin Toss.

Head to Head is only used if there are two teams tied. Ties involving 3+ teams disregard H2H and move on to point differential for the tiebreaker.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.