Flag Football Standings

Flag Football - Sundays (Late Summer '22)

Average Joe's photo First Place Trophy

Flag Football - Sundays (Late Summer '22)

  Average Joe's

Congratulations to "Average Joe's" on becoming the Flag Football Champions!

“Average Joe’s” are the Flag Football Champions of the Late Summer ‘22 Season, after defeating “Warriors” 5-1!

“Average Joe’s” entered the championship as the #1 seed and the favorites to take home the championship, but they had to defeat a very talented “Warriors” team before they could be crowned the champions. “Average Joe’s” defeated the “Warriors” in their previous matchup during the regular season, so the “Warriors” were ready to exact their revenge. “Average Joe’s” came out determined on the offensive end and scored a quick touchdown to take an early lead. The “Warriors” kept applying pressure to “Average Joe’s” defense in the first half, but the “Warriors” were unable to score a touchdown. “Average Joe’s” offense was the main reason they finished the season undefeated, but their real MVP during the championship was their defense. The second half started out the same way the first half, with “Average Joe’s” marching down the field and scoring a touchdown. The “Warriors” kept the game competitive, but “Average Joe’s” played tremendous defense from start to finish and only allowed the “Warriors” to score one touchdown in the championship. The “Warriors” played their hearts out, but nothing could stop “Average Joe’s” from being crowned the champions of Flag Football!

Congratulations to “Average Joe’s” on becoming the Flag Football Champions of the Late Summer ‘22 season!

View Average Joe's Team Page
Warriors  photo
Second Place Trophy

Flag Football - Sundays (Late Summer '22)
Second Place


View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Average Joe's
8 (1)º 0 0 16 31
5 3 0 10 -1
  Balls and Dolls
4 3 0 8 6
  Tequila mockingbird
3 4 0 6 -8
  Team A
1 5 (1)º 0 1 -8
  Show Me Your TDs
0 6 0 0 -20
How are Standings Calculated?
Winners receive 2 points, each team in a tie receives 1 point, and losers receive 0 points. If you forfeit, you lose a point, so don't forfeit! Plus, two forfeits make your team ineligible for playoffs.

Teams are ranked by (1) Ranking Points, (2) Head to Head Two Teams Only*, (3) Point Differential, (4) Coin Toss.

Head to Head is only used if there are two teams tied. Ties involving 3+ teams disregard H2H and move on to point differential for the tiebreaker.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.