3/13 at11am: Howe Park Softball is postponed due to the rain.
Volleyball Standings

Volleyball - Beginner Mondays (Fall '18)

I'd Hit That photo First Place Trophy

Volleyball - Beginner Mondays (Fall '18)

  I'd Hit That


"I'd Hit That" is our Monday night Volleyball champion, taking out "Whatever Tim Says" in straight sets, 21-11 and 21-17.

All season "I'd Hit That" was on top of the standings, thanks in part to winning their first 6 games on the season. That included three 3-0 sweeps.

However, in their 7th game of the season they finally lost, dropping the match 2-1 to "Balls Deep". That was just a minor trip up though, and the following week our champs got back on track with a 2-1 win just in time for the playoffs.

In the playoffs it was all business for "I'd Hit That", first defeating "Amigos" pretty handily before taking down "Whatever Time Says" in the championship game. Thanks to their playoff dominance, they also finished first in point differential with a +15, capping off a very successful season.

Congratulations to "I'd Hit That" on the championship!

View I'd Hit That Team Page
Whatever Tim Says photo
Second Place Trophy

Volleyball - Beginner Mondays (Fall '18)
Second Place

Whatever Tim Says

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
Set W/L
  I'd Hit That
9 (1)º 1 0 18 15
  Whatever Tim Says
8 2 0 16 11
  Balls Deep
6 (1)º 3 0 12 8
6 (1)º 4 0 12 7
  Consensual Sets
5 4 0 10 -4
  Volley Llamas
4 4 0 8 -2
  Test that net!
4 4 0 8 2
  Dumpster Cats
1 7 0 2 -16
  How I Set Your Mother
1 (1)º 7 (1)º 0 1 -12
0 8 (3)º 0 -3 -9
How are Standings Calculated?
Winners receive 2 points, each team in a tie receives 1 point, and losers receive 0 points. If you forfeit, you lose a point, so don't forfeit! Plus, two forfeits make your team ineligible for playoffs.

Teams are ranked by (1) Ranking Points, (2) Head to Head Two Teams Only*, (3) Point Differential, (4) Coin Toss.

Head to Head is only used if there are two teams tied. Ties involving 3+ teams disregard H2H and move on to point differential for the tiebreaker.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.