Friday 3/14: Friday Night Softball, Sacramento Sunday Softball and Kickball are postponed due to City of Sacramento Field closures!
Cornhole Standings

Cornhole - Tuesdays (Summer '17)


Baggin-n-Braggin  photo First Place Trophy

Cornhole - Tuesdays (Summer '17)


Another 'Ship in the Bag

"Baggin-n-Braggin" is our latest Tuesday night Cornhole champion, taking down their playoff opponents in consecutive 3-0 sweeps.

All season long "Baggin-n-Braggin" was a top contender, although they did have their fair share of tight games through the season. They'd post three wins to go alongside four draws, landing them in the 3rd seed for the playoffs. In the first round they swept "The Great Cornholios" to set a up a finals tilt between them and the top team this season "The UniCorns".

In the championship game it was all "Baggin" all the time, putting the top seed to shame and sweeping them out of the building. True to their moniker, the were bagging everything, and in the end had plenty to brag about with their championship title.

Congrats to "Baggin-n-Braggin" on a fantastic season, and we wish them the best of luck next season as they try and defend their title!

View Baggin-n-Braggin Team Page
The UniCorns  photo
Second Place Trophy

Cornhole - Tuesdays (Summer '17)
Second Place

The UniCorns

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   The UniCorns 7 (4)º 2 1 15 -1
2   Baggin-n-Braggin 5 (1)º 1 4 14 6
3   The Great Cornholios 5 (1)º 2 2 12 11
4   The Brad Pitt Lookalikes 4 (2)º 3 (1)º 2 9 -1
5   The Average State Workers & Some Cheese 4 (3)º 4 (1)º 0 7 -5
6   Team A 2 (1)º 4 (2)º 2 4 1
7   Here for the Beer 1 (1)º 7 (3)º 0 -1 -15
8   PBRME 1 6 (6)º 1 -3 4
How are Standings Calculated?
Winners receive 2 points, each team in a tie receives 1 point, and losers receive 0 points. If you forfeit, you lose a point, so don't forfeit! Plus, two forfeits make your team ineligible for playoffs.

Teams are ranked by (1) Ranking Points, (2) Head to Head Two Teams Only*, (3) Point Differential, (4) Coin Toss.

Head to Head is only used if there are two teams tied. Ties involving 3+ teams disregard H2H and move on to point differential for the tiebreaker.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.